Become an

ANZAP Member

Become an

Become an ANZAP Member

ANZAP membership applications are always welcomed from psychotherapists with training in the Conversational Model, as well as from those with comparable psychodynamic or psychoanalytic psychotherapy training.

Advantages of ANZAP membership include:

  • Collegial connection with a growing membership of like-minded psychotherapists.

  • An individual listing on the publicly available ‘Find a Therapist’ directories.

  • Supporting your ongoing professional development as a psychotherapist, via enrolment in the ANZAP CPD programme.

  • Reduced registration fees for attending ANZAP CPD events, including the annual ANZAP Conference.

  • Access to The Therapeutic Conversation, the bi-annual journal published by ANZAP, in collaboration with PIT-UK.

ANZAP has 7 types of membership - Clinical, Research, Graduate, Trainee, Retired, Associate and Honorary Life membership.

All memberships

All members are required to abide by the membership requirements detailed in the Constitution with regard to payment of fees, professional development and supervision requirements, as well as professional conduct and abiding by ANZAP’s code of ethics.

All members are required to renew their membership annually. Occasionally a member may be allowed to not renew their membership for one year, after applying to the Membership Committee for an exemption. The Management Committee will make the final decision.

For full details: Download the Criteria for Membership Categories of ANZAP


Members holding current Clinical membership dated before 1 November 2018 are able to maintain their membership subject to meeting their ongoing membership obligations. Applications from former members, and others wishing to apply for membership under Grandfathering provisions (where post-November 2018 criteria are not fully met), will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Management Committee.

For membership applications the following criteria are required to be met for eligibility for application for Clinical Membership.


1. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Training. Completion of the ANZAP training or comparable psychodynamic or psychoanalytic psychotherapy training (involving at least 200 hours of seminar attendance). Where the applicant’s substantive training program has not been in psychodynamic psychotherapy, they will need to demonstrate sufficient additional training and supervision has been completed in one or more psychodynamic modalities to achieve comparability in clinical training.

2. Clinical Experience.
A) Duration Five years’ substantial (minimum 10 client session hours per week) or comparable clinical experience in psychotherapy, psychiatry, social work, or clinical psychology. The period of clinical experience may include the duration of the ANZAP or comparable training program, but at least 2 years substantial (minimum 10 client session hours per week) or comparable must be post having graduated from a psychotherapy training – either ANZAP’s own training program or one deemed comparable.
B) Psychotherapy practice experience. The applicant will be required to give evidence that he/she has treated patients with psychodynamic psychotherapy. The minimum requirements are one patient for 100 hours over at least two years, and a second patient for 50 hours over at least one year. (Applicants may take into account their clinical work undertaken during their psychotherapy training e.g. their training case(s)).

3. Personal therapy and/or self-development experience is required for year 2 and 3 of the training for a minimum of 120 hours over the 2 years. Personal therapy should be preferably of a psychodynamic psychoanalytic nature and at least weekly. This should ideally be undertaken concurrently with the training program undertaken by the applicant (see 2 above). Where therapy has been undertaken separately from training, it will be at the discretion of the MC to determine eligibility depending on circumstances. 

4. Psychotherapy Supervision.
Applicants are to provide evidence of clinical supervision with a psychodynamic or psychoanalytic psychotherapy supervisor, and demonstrating:

1. a) individual supervision for one case with a minimum of 100 mostly weekly (or twice weekly where appropriate) clinical sessions over a minimum of two years and 28 hours of supervision per year for that case.

2. b)  weekly individual or group supervision for a second case with a minimum of 50 clinical sessions and 28 hours of group or individual supervision per year for that case. 
N.B. (Applicants may take into account the supervision of their training case undertaken during their psychotherapy training).

c) 2 extra years of supervision post-graduation focussed on one or maximum two clients / patients (minimum of 28hrs per year).

5. Professional Membership.
Where the applicant’s psychotherapy training was obtained via a path other than through the ANZAP or Westmead training, they need to hold registration with an appropriate equivalent professional body (E.g.: PACFA or psychiatry, social work, psychology, counselling, mental health nursing registrations).

Applicants must show they were covered by a professional indemnity insurance for the clinical work cited in their application.

6. Referees
Where the applicant is not an ANZAP or Westmead Masters of Psychotherapy training graduate, they need to supply the names of three referees, at least two of whom are members of ANZAP. The third referee, if not a member of ANZAP must be a member of a comparable training body with on-going familiarity with the applicant’s current work. At the discretion of the MC further references may be required. Each referee will be required to vouch for the applicant's suitability for membership of ANZAP. 

Application Process 

  • ANZAP’s Management Committee or its delegated representative(s) may interview the applicant and take whatever other necessary steps to establish the applicant's suitability for membership.

  • Where the applicant is not a graduate of ANZAP or the Westmead Masters of Psychotherapy program, the prospective Clinical Member will be invited to attend an interview with nominated ANZAP office bearers and will be asked to present and discuss a case of his/her own. The MC will determine final acceptance on the basis of this interview.

  • The MC is the final arbiter as to the acceptance of the application for membership.

  • Whether the applicant is or is not accepted for membership, the reasons for this are given on request to the MC.

Clinical Members will be entitled to the full range of member benefits offered, and able to attend ANZAP events at the maximum discounted rate. Members have voting rights at the AGM and can be and hold office on the ANZAP Management and other committees. 

This category has equal status and benefits as clinical membership. The cost of research membership is the same as that of clinical membership and is renewed annually.

Conditions for the category Research Membership: The applicant must: 

  • Have graduated from a 3-year psychodynamic clinical training program or equivalent.
  • Have a current psychotherapeutic clinical practice of a minimum of 5 hours/week, for a minimum of 5 years.
  • Have ongoing psychotherapeutic supervision for this clinical practice.
  • Some part of the applicant’s research must be psychodynamically-informed, and it is to advance psychodynamic understanding of trauma.
  • Update the organization about research activities annually, at the time of membership renewal.

Evidence of these Conditions is to be attached to the response to the Invitation.

ANZAP trainees successfully completing the ANZAP training requirements may call themselves ANZAP Graduates and be automatically eligible for Graduate Membership. They can also be listed on the ANZAP website on request.

Westmead Graduates are eligible for ANZAP Graduate Membership. This is facilitated by ANZAP and Westmead Head of Faculty.

Graduates of comparable training in psychoanalytic or psychoanalytic psychotherapy training may apply to hold Graduate Membership if they demonstrate training, clinical competence, supervision hours and personal therapy hours commensurate with the ANZAP training namely:

  • Didactic training in theory and practice of psychodynamic psychotherapy of a minimum of 200 hours over at least 3 years

  • Personal therapy of a minimum of 100 hours of psychodynamic or psychoanalytic psychotherapy, undertaken a minimum of weekly, preferably concurrent with training

  • Supervision in psychodynamic or psychoanalytic psychotherapy of a minimum of 100 hours

  • Demonstration of weekly supervised practice with two long term therapy clients (one at least 100 hours and one at least 50 hours in a minimum of weekly therapy).

NB: Applicants must show they were covered by a professional insurance for the clinical work cited in their application.

Graduate Members will be able to attend ANZAP events at the Graduate discounted rate and partake of other member benefits provided by ANZAP. Members have voting rights at the AGM and can be members and hold office on ANZAP Management and other committees.

Pathway from Graduate Membership to application for Clinical Membership:
In order to obtain Clinical Membership, graduate Members are required

a) To have 2 years of post-graduate supervision with an experienced psychodynamic supervisor (minimum 28 weeks per year).

b) To complete annual Continuing Professional Development (CPD) as stipulated in the membership renewal documentation relating to CPD/Supervision, for at least two years prior to applying for Clinical Membership.

ANZAP trainees are automatically eligible for Trainee Membership. They will receive ANZAP’s “The Therapeutic Conversation” and be given the continuing education seminars for free, and reduced rates for the ANZAP conference.

Westmead trainees are automatically eligible to hold a Trainee Membership at no cost. Apart from paying a reduced fee for seminars and conferences, they will enjoy the same benefits as the ANZAP trainees.


Retired ANZAP Clinical members are those who no longer see clients.


  • Retired ANZAP Clinical members can hold office, chair committees, vote at AGMs/EGMs, attend certain "member only" events, can join certain closed peer or reading groups.

  • Retired ANZAP Clinical members receive a discounted rate for any ANZAP events open to the public.


Either: 1) Have successfully completed the one-year in-depth introduction to the Conversational Model course

Or: 2) Are a student, or have obtained a graduate level of achievement in psychodynamic or other psychotherapy studies or appropriate related tertiary study of similar standard/duration but which does not meet relevant standards for Student, Graduate or Clinical membership. (i.e. documentary evidence of how the applicant’s relevant interest has been shown. (e.g. relevant supervision, publication of papers, conferences/workshops attended, reading).

Or : 3) those without specific psychodynamic training and have enthusiasm for continuing professional development in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy


  • Associate Members receive a discounted rate for any ANZAP events open to the public.


  • Associate Members are not eligible to hold office, chair committees, vote at AGMs/EGMs, or attend certain "member only" events, be eligible for joining certain closed peer or reading groups.

  • Associate Members are not eligible to promote themselves as ANZAP members in contexts designating professional memberships (e.g. on business cards or professional/promotional stationery).

Honorary Life Membership may be conferred by ANZAP by special resolution at the company’s annual general meeting on any person in recognition of outstanding service to ANZAP or special service to the practice or development of the discipline of psychotherapy.

Such members are not required to pay annual membership fees and can attend ANZAP events at the full membership discounted rate. However, they do not have voting rights at the AGM and cannot be members of or hold office on ANZAP Management and other committees.

Annual Membership renewal

To continue to hold Clinical or Graduate or Research Membership status, members are expected to be practicing as psychotherapists and are required to declare :

They have met annual continuing Professional Development (CPD) and supervision hours

They hold current professional indemnity insurance

Whether they are the subject of any current disciplinary proceedings for professional misconduct.

They have read and abide with the ANZAP code of ethics.

All Members make an annual payment to continue membership.

Donations: There is an opportunity for members to make a donation towards fees reduction for trainees experiencing financial hardship.

Annual Membership renewal

To continue to hold Clinical or Graduate Membership status, members are required to attain and give proof of annual Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and supervision hours as stipulated in the membership renewal documentation relating to CPD/Supervision, provide evidence they hold current professional indemnity insurance and make a declaration as to whether or not they are the subject of any current disciplinary proceedings for professional misconduct.

Members make a declaration as to whether or not they are the subject of any current disciplinary proceedings for professional misconduct and make an annual payment to continue membership.


Clinical Membership

Members holding current Clinical membership dated before 1 November 2018 are able to maintain their membership subject to meeting their ongoing membership obligations. Applications from former members, and others wishing to apply for membership under Grandfathering provisions (where post-November 2018 criteria are not fully met), will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Management Committee.

For new membership applications (from 1 November 2018 onwards), the following criteria are required to be met for eligibility for Clinical Membership.

1. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Training. Completion of the ANZAP training or comparable psychodynamic or psychoanalytic psychotherapy training (involving at least 200 hours of seminar attendance). Where the applicant’s substantive training program has not been in psychodynamic psychotherapy, they will need to demonstrate sufficient additional training and supervision has been completed in one or more psychodynamic modalities to achieve comparability in clinical training. 

2. Clinical Experience.
A) Duration Five years’ substantial (minimum 10 client session hours per week) or comparable clinical experience in psychotherapy, psychiatry, social work, or clinical psychology. The period of clinical experience may include the duration of the ANZAP or comparable training program, but at least 2 years substantial (minimum 10 client session hours per week) or comparable must be post having graduated from a psychotherapy training – either ANZAP’s own training program or one deemed comparable. 
B) Psychotherapy practice experience. The applicant will be required to give evidence that he/she has treated patients with psychodynamic psychotherapy. The minimum requirements are one patient for 100 hours over at least two years, and a second patient for 50 hours over at least one year. (Applicants may take into account their clinical work undertaken during their psychotherapy training e.g. their training case(s)).

3. Personal therapy and/or self-development experience is required for year 2 and 3 of the training for a minimum of 120 hours over the 2 years. Personal therapy should be preferably of a psychodynamic psychoanalytic nature and at least weekly. This should ideally be undertaken concurrently with the training program undertaken by the applicant (see 2 above). Where therapy has been undertaken separately from training, it will be at the discretion of the MC to determine eligibility depending on circumstances. 

4. Psychotherapy Supervision.
Applicants are to provide evidence of clinical supervision with a psychodynamic or psychoanalytic psychotherapy supervisor, and demonstrating:

1. a) individual supervision for one case with a minimum of 100 mostly weekly (or twice weekly where appropriate) clinical sessions over a minimum of two years and 28 hours of supervision per year for that case.

2. b)  weekly individual or group supervision for a second case with a minimum of 50 clinical sessions and 28 hours of group or individual supervision per year for that case. 
N.B. (Applicants may take into account the supervision of their training case undertaken during their psychotherapy training).

c) 2 extra years of supervision post-graduation focussed on one or maximum two clients / patients (minimum of 28hrs per year).

5. Professional Membership.
Where the applicant’s psychotherapy training was obtained via a path other than through the ANZAP or Westmead training, they need to hold registration with an appropriate equivalent professional body (E.g.: PACFA or psychiatry, social work, psychology, counselling, mental health nursing registrations).

Applicants must show they were covered by a professional indemnity insurance for the clinical work cited in their application.

6. Referees
Where the applicant is not an ANZAP or Westmead Masters of Psychotherapy training graduate, they need to supply the names of three referees, at least two of whom are members of ANZAP. The third referee, if not a member of ANZAP must be a member of a comparable training body with on-going familiarity with the applicant’s current work. At the discretion of the MC further references may be required. Each referee will be required to vouch for the applicant's suitability for membership of ANZAP. 

Application Process 

  • ANZAP’s Management Committee or its delegated representative(s) may interview the applicant and take whatever other necessary steps to establish the applicant's suitability for membership.
  • Where the applicant is not a graduate of ANZAP or the Westmead Masters of Psychotherapy program, the prospective Clinical Member will be invited to attend an interview with nominated ANZAP office bearers and will be asked to present and discuss a case of his/her own. The MC will determine final acceptance on the basis of this interview.
  • The MC is the final arbiter as to the acceptance of the application for membership.
  • Whether the applicant is or is not accepted for membership, the reasons for this are given on request to the MC.


Clinical Members will be entitled to the full range of member benefits offered, and able to attend ANZAP events at the maximum discounted rate. Members have voting rights at the AGM and can be and hold office on the ANZAP Management and other committees.

Research membership – by Invitation

This category has equal status and benefits as clinical membership. The cost of research membership is the same as that of clinical membership and is renewed annually.

The applicant must: 

  • Have graduated from a 3-year psychodynamic clinical training program or equivalent.
  • Have a current psychotherapeutic clinical practice of a minimum of 5 hours/week, for a minimum of 5 years.
  • Have ongoing psychotherapeutic supervision for this clinical practice.
  • Some part of the applicant’s research must be psychodynamically-informed, and it is to advance psychodynamic understanding of trauma.
  • Update the organization about research activities annually, at the time of membership renewal.

Evidence of these Conditions is to be attached to the response to the Invitation.

Graduate Membership

ANZAP trainees successfully completing the ANZAP training requirements may call themselves ANZAP Graduates and be automatically eligible for Graduate Membership. They can also be listed on the ANZAP website on request.

Westmead Graduates are eligible for ANZAP Graduate Membership. This is facilitated by ANZAP and Westmead Head of Faculty.

Graduates of comparable training in psychoanalytic or psychoanalytic psychotherapy training may apply to hold Graduate Membership if they demonstrate training, clinical competence, supervision hours and personal therapy hours commensurate with the ANZAP training 

  • Didactic training in theory and practice of psychodynamic psychotherapy of a minimum of 200 hours over at least 3 years
  • Personal therapy of a minimum of 100 hours of psychodynamic or psychoanalytic psychotherapy, undertaken a minimum of weekly, preferably concurrent with training
  • Supervision in psychodynamic or psychoanalytic psychotherapy of a minimum of 100 hours
  • Demonstration of weekly supervised practice with two long term therapy clients (one at least 100 hours and one at least 50 hours in a minimum of weekly therapy).

NB: Applicants must show they were covered by a professional insurance for the clinical work cited in their application.


Graduate Members will be able to attend ANZAP events at the Graduate discounted rate and partake of other member benefits provided by ANZAP. Members have voting rights at the AGM and can be members and hold office on ANZAP Management and other committees.

Pathway from Graduate Membership to Clinical Membership:

a) To have 2 years of post-graduate supervision with an experienced psychodynamic supervisor (minimum 28 weeks per year).

b) To complete annual Continuing Professional Development (CPD) as stipulated in the membership renewal documentation relating to CPD/Supervision, for at least two years prior to applying for Clinical Membership.

Trainee Membership

ANZAP trainees are automatically eligible for Trainee Membership. They will receive ANZAP’s “The Therapeutic Conversation” and be given the continuing education seminars for free, and reduced rates for the ANZAP conference.

Westmead trainees are automatically eligible to hold a Trainee Membership at no cost. Apart from paying a reduced fee for seminars and conferences, they will enjoy the same benefits as the ANZAP trainees.

Associate Membership

  • Either: 1) Have successfully completed the one-year in-depth introduction to the Conversational Model course
  • Or: 2) Be a student, or have obtained a graduate level of achievement in psychodynamic or other psychotherapy studies or appropriate related tertiary study of similar standard/duration but which does not meet relevant standards for Student, Graduate or Clinical membership. (i.e. documentary evidence of how the applicant’s relevant interest has been shown. (e.g. relevant supervision, publication of papers, conferences/workshops attended, reading).
  • And: 3) Have enthusiasm for continuing professional development in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy


  • Associate Members receive a discounted rate for any ANZAP events open to the public.
  • Associate Members are not eligible to hold office, chair committees, vote at AGMs/EGMs, or attend certain "member only" events, be eligible for joining certain closed peer or reading groups.
  • Associate Members are not eligible to promote themselves as ANZAP members in contexts designating professional memberships (e.g. on business cards or professional/promotional stationery).

Honorary Life Membership

Honorary Life Membership may be conferred by ANZAP by special resolution at the company’s annual general meeting on any person in recognition of outstanding service to ANZAP or special service to the practice or development of the discipline of psychotherapy.

Such members are not required to pay annual membership fees and can attend ANZAP events at the full membership discounted rate. However, they do not have voting rights at the AGM and cannot be members of or hold office on ANZAP Management and other committees.


Australian Members

Clinical, Research & Graduate Members - Full rate $250 AUD (includes GST)
Associate Members - Full rate $230 AUD (includes GST)
Retired Members - Full rate $100 AUD (includes GST)

New Zealand Members

Clinical, Research & Graduate Members - Full rate $200 AUD (no GST)
Associate Members - Full rate $180 AUD (no GST)
Retired Members - Full rate $100 AUD (no GST)


PO Box 3595

Key Contact: Anne Malecki. 
Ph: (02) 8004 9873 from Australia
Ph: (04) 887 0300 Toll free from New Zealand

First Point of Contact

Anne Malecki is responsible for the ANZAP Secretariat. She is the first point of contact for all matters. 

Telephone: AUS (02) 8004 9873
